Many of our clients come to us at the very start of their journey. Here are a few such success stories from the past few weeks.

Many of our clients come to us at the very start of their journey. Here are a few such success stories from the past few weeks.
Targeted media coverage? Product launches? Delivering the biggest agri-tech event of the year? In little over a week, we’re proud to have supported clients in achieving all of this!
From news-jacking stories about robots, to working with Silicon Valley companies and promoting new tests for human and animal health, here’s an insight into our PR work week.
Telling a good story is the secret of effective communication.
To achieve impact with a new report, it is vital to create a compelling package of engaging content.
The World Atlas of Great Apes was to be launched by UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre ahead of an important convention.
Although an interesting subject, the book was a collation of pre-existing information and contained nothing new. Holdsworth Associates was tasked with making the Atlas headline grabbing.
We analysed the book and interviewed its contributors. Although the Atlas contained no new data or statistics, it was the first time this information had been brought together in one place. We created an infographic to highlight this and used anecdotes, gathered from contributers, to provide journalists with the real-life stories behind the data.
London Zoo was approached to provide a launch venue and offer real-time broadcast images, while we invited conservationists and other specialists to speak to the media about the challenges they face.
The Atlas launch received international and national media coverage, including:
Sales of the Atlas exceeded expectations. The Atlas was referenced throughout the following week as the Kinshasa Conference progressed and it is now considered a key text by the media for great ape population and conservation data.