To build an agri-tech ecosystem to promote innovation.
We have supported the creation and growth of membership organisation Agri-TechE (formerly Agri-Tech East) from conception.
This has included support for the strategic direction, developing the name and branding, website design and development and all the original content, media relations, social media set-up and development, conference support and its promotion.
Agri-TechE is bringing together farmers, technologists, scientists and funders to create a mutually supportive cluster of organisations.
It now has a vibrant membership and the agri-tech ecosystem has supported a pipeline of early stage companies from conception through to market.
Examples of work include:
Reports for the REAP conference: Adaptation Through Innovation; Beyond the Comfort Zone
Positioning documents: From Grass Roots to Blue Skies: a vision for agri-tech
Summary reports to support outcome of workshops: ‘Call to arms for Pea and Bean Yield Enhancement Networks”
Contact us to discuss how we can support your agri-tech project.

The team at Holdsworth Associates, ably led by Rachel Holdsworth, delivers significantly more value than a conventional PR agency. As well as a clear understanding of communication via all media to a range of audiences, they also take great pains to appreciate the wider strategic objectives within which any communications take place.
As well as front line delivery, Holdsworth Associates also manage crucial back office activities on our behalf, including regular reports on our website performance, social media metrics, print media cuttings and broadcast presence.
Belinda Clarke
Agri-TechE Director
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