Even the most innovative technology needs support to keep it in the spotlight and creating a good story is one way in which PR is effective in developing brand recognition with potential customers.
Blog Types Archives: Top Tip
Selling-in is about quality, not quantity
‘Selling-in’ is rarely a popular task in public relations, but with a concise approach, it can be much more beneficial experience for both the PR and journalist.
Red and green should never be seen – proofing checks in documents
Do you take off the proofing marks – the little wavy lines indicating a spelling or grammar error – when you send a Word document? No? Why not?
More to marketing than meets the eye…
There is much more to marketing than you might initially think. Alongside standard techniques, there are other less obvious ways to promote a company that Holdsworth Associates explores.
A naked flash of inspiration
The Eureka! moment can hit at the most unexpected of times. Some of the most significant scientific breakthroughs and useful inventions have first flashed in to someone’s brain at the oddest of times.
I wanna tell you a story: Top tips for writing press releases
Telling a good story is the secret of effective communication.
8 minutes, 64 ideas – PR creativity
PR is known as a creative industry; ensuring that every event, press releases and new website catches people’s attention requires a constant flow of ideas.
Generating good content with PR
Original content is the life blood of online marketing, and generating good content with PR will keep a strong consistent message.
Big data will bring new approaches for healthcare
Big data is just data, but a lot of it. Big data can be big in both qualitative and/or quantitative terms and tools are emerging that will allow us to use it more intelligently.
How to get the BBC interested in your story
Samantha Dalton explains how local radio looks for features and how to get the BBC interested in your story.